Wednesday, November 10, 2010

this week

A little late, I know. Too many things happening at once.

My to do list:
*Newsletter project for Publication Design
*4 ads for Advertising Strategy and Tactics due Nov. 22
*Portfolio site (procrastination at its best...I still haven't started)
*Work through CS5 Classroom in a Book
*Re-design Haas Center Info card (Still haven't received the original file. working on it.)
*Design recruitment flier for Okaloosa Rollers (this may not happen because the owner may be dissolving the team before it even gets started. Waiting to hear word on that.)

In other news, I got a job with the Santa Rosa County Library System. Once I graduate it will be full time. I'll mostly be working at the Gulf Breeze Library but they are also bringing me on to help with their website and some publications. I'm really excited about this because I'm starting out at the bottom of the ladder which means I can work my way up. I see myself staying with them for a long time.

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