Monday, November 22, 2010

happy turkeys

This week I'll be focusing on designing my portfolio website and narrowing down which pieces I want to print.

Might have something up by the end of the week for my portfolio site.
I'll also upload my latest ads sometime this week.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

this is me

I have nothing to post this week. I'm starting to sift through everything to find stuff for my portfolio.

I started my new job on Monday. I haven't had much time to do really anything. And my brother came in from Hawaii yesterday. It's been months since I last saw him. He's a welcome distraction from the stress of last minute projects.

There are four ads due Monday for my Advertising Strategy and Tactics class. I haven't started on them yet, so that will be my main focus for the rest of this week. As soon as that is out of the way I can focus on my portfolio website (also haven't started) and printing stuff for my physical portfolio.

We are working on a newsletter for Publication Design. It will be due Dec. 8. Got the roughs down; today Zimmerman will be giving us a quick tutorial on setting up our newsletter in InDesign.

That's all for this week. Have a good one.

side note:
*Florida Roller Derby (aka Santa Rosa Rollergirls and Okaloosa Rollers) has dissolved. There will be no more fliers for this group unless someone else starts the team back up. I enjoyed my time as Creative Director and I have a few good pieces out of the work I did for them.

*Have not heard from the SRACF in weeks. Will probably be splitting from them. My work schedule will no longer allow me to meet with them when they want to. I did gain real life experience working with people who didn't really know what they wanted and gave me last minute stuff and then had someone else do said stuff without telling me. Lesson learned.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

this week

A little late, I know. Too many things happening at once.

My to do list:
*Newsletter project for Publication Design
*4 ads for Advertising Strategy and Tactics due Nov. 22
*Portfolio site (procrastination at its best...I still haven't started)
*Work through CS5 Classroom in a Book
*Re-design Haas Center Info card (Still haven't received the original file. working on it.)
*Design recruitment flier for Okaloosa Rollers (this may not happen because the owner may be dissolving the team before it even gets started. Waiting to hear word on that.)

In other news, I got a job with the Santa Rosa County Library System. Once I graduate it will be full time. I'll mostly be working at the Gulf Breeze Library but they are also bringing me on to help with their website and some publications. I'm really excited about this because I'm starting out at the bottom of the ladder which means I can work my way up. I see myself staying with them for a long time.