Wednesday, October 27, 2010

SRRG Recruitment Fliers part deux

Got an email today with the below information in it. Will post new fliers when done:


I would like to get flyers printed with current and updated information. Would you be able to design 2 flyers for me by next week?

*One will be a full 8x10 page for us to hang up places
* the other will be a 1/4 page handout flyer for handouts

Basically they will have the same information, maybe taking some things out of the small one just so it is legible. I'm thinking lets just do it in black and white so it's cheaper, although you can design it in color just to have in case, you know?

Here is a bunch of information that we could put on it, word it however you think is best, feel free to add or subtract anything.

Santa Rosa Roller Girls
Skateland 6056 Stewart Street, Milton
Currently recruiting skaters (18+), referees (male or female, 18+), sponsorships, and volunteers
Find us on Facebook (w/ link if necessary)
Follow us on Twitter (w/ link if necessary)

2011 Home Schedule
February 5th vs. Mobile Roller Derby
May 21st vs. Hattiesburg Hooligans
August 6th vs. Panama City Roller Derby
with more dates TBA

Monday, October 18, 2010


a few things this week:

*Redesigning an information card for the UWF Haas Center over the next couple of weeks. I'll be posting images later this week.

*Working on the Santa Rosa Arts and Culture Foundation website (super slow process, client is EXTREMELY attached to many aspects of the site)

*Taking pictures at Dragonfly Gallery artist reception Friday night

*Attempt to work on my portfolio site (way behind...I haven't even started yet.)

(((((On a side note, a little humor in case this happens to you: How a Web Design Goes Straight to Hell

Monday, October 11, 2010

Publication Design - CD Package

Our assignment was to choose a song (with lyrics) and create a typographic interpretation. We had to create a CD package for our song with a booklet and CD design. The words from the song had to be somewhere within the booklet. I chose Common Reactor by the Silversun Pickups. There is a link to the song below. Common Reactor is a bit chaotic in terms of words but the music in the song is very upbeat. I chose to create something a bit chaotic but fun on the inside of the booklet. The outside of the booklet is a little more organized, but still somewhat abstract. The CD design reflects the booklet cover.

Silversun Pickups - Common Reactor

Monday, October 4, 2010

Advertising Strategy and Tactics

Our assignment was to create two spreads for Everlast.
Core message: Everlast is a serious tough brand.
Everlast is not a fancy, gimmicky, gym brand that is probably endorsed by a big name star.
Do not sell as a boxing product.
Ads must look similar and have a similar creative approach.
Use a metaphor technique
Must use associations-a visual or verbal metaphor

In essence we had to create two ads for Everlast workout apparel without bringing in boxing and without making it like Nike, Adidas, etc. I chose to use personification as a verbal metaphor in both of my ads. We will be evaluating our ads in class today and then will have a chance to tweak them.